On this page, you can view the DADK comics! A lot of these will be remakes of the original series, but there will be some new ones thrown in there.

Ah, Curse of the Weremightyena. This was a classic, rather popular plot, along with its sequel, The Dark Beast, from the original series. This whole scene with Darkrai plotting out his next scheme was left out of the first version. If you remember what the Darkrai-Weremightyena thing looked like in the old version, you'll find this one to be much nicer. For those of you lucky enough to not view him in the first book, he was basically a black wolf with the "mane" of a Darkrai, and large, pupiless eyes. Part two will be up soon; those who read the original series will recognize it as part 1.  

This above comic isn't necessarily an official DADK comic. It's just a little piece I sketched for fun. The Mightyena portrays Sam, who is a very perverted but very nice friend of mine, for those who didn't know. Poor random Breloom guy... he's probably now permanently emotionally scarred. 

This is a remake of a fairly recent comic. Sure, you can eat berries, seeds and Gummies in MD, but the only thing filling enough to be considered a meal is the apple. I bet Void, my apple-hating Darkrai RP character, is happy that she doesn't live in MD!  

This is a remake of a classic comic from the DADK's short-lived companion, the DAAK (The Daily Adventures of Abby and Kim). My guess is that these two won't be making the expedition.

This is a new comic that I whipped up in a grand total of ten minutes, hence the drawings don't look very good. It's based off of something that really did happen; in the Battle Frontier, I was up against this dumb Lumineon, and he kept spamming Attract. I had to keep switching out to cure this-- however, whenever I sent out a Pokemon, he'd make them fall in love again. It obviously didn't help that I had three girl Pokemon and only one boy, and that this boy also happened to be weak against Water. Joy. I eventually managed to take down the nasty thing with my fabulous Scyther's Bug Bite :3

I honestly can't see how/why a fire breathing dragon, a praying mantis-velociraptor thing, and an aura obsessed jackal would fall in love with a fish =P

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