Dude the Charmander is one of the main characters in the DADK series. His best friend is Kim, though she always tends to bully or annoy him. He is very brave and optimistic, though he's a bit too sensitive, and not the brightest Pokemon out there. For some reason, he has a much larger snout than the average Charmander. Dude appears in nearly every comic, and has a high position in Team Dragons. No one is quite sure why his name is "Dude". 

Darkrai, who appears to not have an actual name, is a minor character in the DADK series. He served as the main antagonist in several plots and strips, his debut being in "Curse of the Weremightyena", in which he transformed himself into a fearsome Weremightyena in attempt to take over the world! In his next appearance, "The Revenge of Darkrai", he finds that he is permanently stuck in his Mightyena form. Little is known about Darkrai as of now. 

Kim the Totodile is the leader of Team Dragons. She's quite clever, and enjoys playing tricks on her friend Dude, often involving her Water Gun attack. Though she usually appears as a Totodile (and eventually its evolutions), she's been through several dilemnas which resulted in her transforming into a different Pokemon for a short amount of time, including a Wobbuffet and a Croagunk. 

Dr. Wobbu is a recurring character. His first appearance was in the "Ditto!" plot, which has been scrapped from the new version of the DADK. He is skilled at making medicine, though his remedies usually include a much unneeded ingredient- Transfer Orbs. Dr. Wobbu claims that these smashed up Transfer Orbs add fun to his brews, but many Pokemon, Dude in particular, strongly disagree. 

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